Friday, December 19, 2008

The gist of CAPE AQUATIC HUMATES pty ltd (cape aquatic humics)

Cape Aquatic Humate (Pty) Ltd evolved from extensive scientific research conducted by Dr. T.M.Thebe(Ph.D Engineering) over the past one and half decades and business activities of Thebe Thebe Associates Close

However, the development of crucial business strategies began in June 2008 with
the arrival of J. M.. Riggs(M.Inst.d), who is very well read in his own right and who brought a wealth of other needed experience in running small and medium
enterprises,product branding ,soil science and horticulture,environmental applications in mining and Bio remediation in uranium and gold mines and excellent marketing skills.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the company is to manufacture aquatic humates and promote
their applications in soil management and hydroponics.

As extension of our focus area water sanitation and development of sanitation services related to water use,health,security and safety in water resources we offer products product promotion partnerships and installation services

Additional to these objectives we include energy efficiency and offsetting nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogenous
fertilizers manufacturing, hence mitigate global climate change.

We at CAPE AQUATIC HUMATES ,in order to fully develop the potential of CAH Pty ltd ,offer and thus want to Sell: 40% equity to appropriate Manufacturing Partners in Cape Aquatic Humates

We offer up to 40 % equity in the company Cape Aquatic Humates

Mission statement:

Environmental Engineering Systems with related aspects of CDM and CER iro Kyoto Protocol objectives including reductions of NOx Gases Soil cultivation, soil conditioners

CAPE AQUATIC HUMATES Humic acids, in CAPE AQUATIC HUMATES which are extracted from rivers of the Western Cape of South Africa and importantly these... more indeed ARE SUPERIOR to those extracted from coal. Other names are ,.....Kap Wasserhumates,Huminsäure ,humate salts , Organic fertilizers,humates,humic substances & humic

our products are Slurry of Humic acids extracted from south Western Cape Rivers and available in various concentrations

Trademarks Information.

The following are the trademarks of Thebe Thebe Associates(TTA):

Super Grade Humate™ (SG-Humate™);
High Grade Humate™ (HG-Humate™);
Mixed Grade Humate™ (MG-Humate™);
Ammonium Humate™ (NHx-Humate™)
TTA-Integrated Humate Processing™ (TTA-IHP™)

Industrial uses of humates are: please link here

how useful are humates and humic substances ?

Information brought to you by John M Riggs Trading as Doctor Green CC

cape humates

humic acids , cape aquatic humates,Kap Wasserhumates,Huminsäure ,humate salts , Organic fertilizers,humates,humic substances & humic

CAPE AQUTIC HUMATES CAH Pty Ltd, Environmental Engineering Systems,reductions of NOx Gases, Soil cultivation, soil conditioners,AQUATIC HUMATES Humic acids, Western Cape,South Africa and Kap Wasserhumates,Huminsäure ,humate salts,humates,humic substances,humic, humic acid, manufacturing, humates, humic substances,Wasserhumates,Huminsäure ,humates,humic substances, humic acids>

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What are our International & local competitors up to ?

CAH (Pty) Ltd has technology to manufacture Aquatic based humic substances ,humates and related waste substances like fulvic acids.

CAH's Cape Humates enable chelating in soil management on farmers and commercial agriculture where farmers are in the long terms intent on achieving biological and soil or even organic agri-practises

Here is a good resource to see what chelating is :

Local competitors are using coal industry based raw material which are less valuable , to ours ,we however can indicate that they have good information for humic acids and amino acid users which can be found at these links :

or rather if you prefer the total local history at :


Die sleutel tot groter Vrugbaarheid?

Humate en fulvate bevorder produksie deurdat dit wortelmassa vermeerder, die aantal en lengte van haarwortels laat toeneem, en die opname van water en voedingstowwe verbeter.
Humien- en fulviensure, waarvan die soute humate en fulvate is, word in biologiese en organiese landboukringe as wondermiddels beskou met 'n legio voordele vir grond, water en plante.
Hoewel die eerste navorsing oor humus, waaruit dié sure onttrek word, al in 1786 aangeteken is, is bitter min wetenskaplike ondersoek nog in Suid-Afrika gedoen oor die gebruik en beweerde voordele van humien- en fulviensure in gewasverbouing.
Humus is die organiese komponent in grond wat al soveel ontbind en gekondenseer het dat dit in 'n stabiele vorm is wat geen ooreenkoms meer het met die materiaal waaruit dit gevorm is nie. Dit slaan op kleideeltjies in die grond neer, 'n proses wat dit preserveer en sorg dat dit nie verder afgebreek word nie.
Dr. Hannes Coetzee, private konsultant en 'n direkteur van Central Analytical Laboratories (CAL), verduidelik dat navorsers humus van grond- en kleideeltjies moes skei om dit te kon bestudeer. 'n Proses is ontwikkel waarin die grond met 'n alkali by 'n pH-vlak van 12 behandel word sodat 'n deel van die totale humus oplos. Daarna word die mengsel verder versuur sodat die uiteindelike produkte humien- en fulviensure is.
Humiene is dié deel van humus wat nie in 'n alkali oplos nie. Humiensure los in 'n alkali op, maar slaan by 'n pH-vlak van 1 neer. Wanneer die suur-ione op dié molekuul met ander katione, soos kalsium (Ca), kalium (K), magnesium (Mg), natrium (Na) of ammonium (NH4) vervang word, word humate, oftewel die soute van humiensure, gevorm.
Fulviensure is dié deel van humus wat in 'n alkali oplos en nie by 'n pH-vlak van 1 neerslaan nie. Wanneer die suur-ione op dié molekuul met ander katione vervang word, word fulvate gevorm.
Sedertdien word die onttrekkingsproses ook op ander materiale, soos leonardiet ('n soort steenkool van swak gehalte), kompos en veen, toegepas. Die produkte wat só verkry word, word ook as humate en fulvate beskou. Die humaat-inhoud van dié natuurlike bronne wissel. Leonardiet bevat byvoorbeeld baie meer humate as harde steenkool.
In werklikheid is humate dus die gepreserveerde en saamgeperste oorblyfsels van antieke woude en ander plantmateriaal.
Humate en fulvate bestaan uit 'n verskeidenheid verbindings en kan dus net op grond van hul oplosbaarheid in suur en hul molekulêre massa onderskei word.
Albei se boustene is egter dieselfde - koolstof, suurstof, waterstof en stikstof - hoewel in verskillende verhoudings.
Fulviensure is biologies aktiewer as humiensuur. Fulviensure bevat meer suurstof, minder koolstof en het 'n veel laer pH en molekulêre gewig.
Wanneer humus afgebreek word, word die belangrikste boustene teen dieselfde tempo vrygestel. Humus is dus nie 'n eenvoudige mengsel nie, en fulvate is inderwaarheid net kleiner eenhede van humate. Coetzee verduidelik dit is soos om 'n bladsy ('n humaat) in vier kwarte (fulvate) te sny.
Die gehalte van humien- en fulviensuurprodukte wat kommersieel beskikbaar is, wissel geweldig. Dit kan ook nie net op grond van 'n enkele kenmerk geëvalueer word nie.
Een van die aanduiders is die organiese koolstof-inhoud daarvan. Die suiwerste humiensure het 'n koolstof-inhoud van 55 % en die suiwerste fulviensure sowat 47 %, sê Coetzee.
Die aktiewe groepe in humien- en fulviensure, wat in milli-ekwivalent per gram (me/g)gemeet word, is 'n verdere aanduiding van gehalte.
Volgens Coetzee doen humate en fulvate die volgende in die grond:
 Dit vermeerder die katioon-uitruilvermoë van die grond, en dus die beskikbaarheid van voedingstowwe vir plante;
 Waterhouvermoë word verbeter;
 Dit dien as energiebron vir mikrobes;
 Die grond se struktuur, deurlugting en dreinering word verbeter;
 Afloop word verminder; en
 Dit dien as cheleermiddel. (Dit beteken dit vorm 'n organiese kompleks wat die voedingselemente teen vaslegging beskerm sodat dit vir die plant beskikbaar bly.)
Plantproduksie word deur humate en fulvate bevorder deurdat dit wortelmassa vermeerder, die aantal haarwortels en lengte daarvan laat toeneem, en die opname van water en voedingstowwe verbeter, sê Coetzee.
Aussies gebruik dit ook
Die gebruik van humate en fulvate - die soute van organiese humien- en fulviensure - vat ook toenemend onder Australiese boere pos. Nutri-Tech Solutions (NTS), 'n Australiese maatskappy wat in humate spesialiseer, noem in 'n handleiding die volgende voordele van die gebruik van humate en fulvate by gewasverbouing:
 Verbeterde kunsmis-doeltreffendheid. Wanneer humiensuur met enige chemiese kunsmis gekombineer word, stabiliseer dit die kunsmis in die grond. Loging word bykans uitgeskakel en voedingselemente word in groter mate vir plantopname beskikbaar gestel. Volgens NTS verbeter die opname van voedingselemente van 30 % tot soveel as 35 %.
 Toegediende stikstof hou langer in die grond. Wanneer ureum byvoorbeeld saam met humiensuur toegedien word, word dit in kolloïdale vorm opgeberg - 'n stabiele bron wat die stikstof stadig oor 'n tydperk van 60 dae tot 80 dae vrystel.
 Plaag- en rypbestuur. Humate stimuleer die vlakke van voordelige swamme en bakterieë in die grond, en in die proses word die vlakke van mikrobiese patogene organismes verlaag, danksy mededinging tussen die verskillende organismes.
Plae is geneig om plante met swak minerale en suikervlakke aan te val. Humate verbeter egter die minerale se beskikbaarheid en die opname daarvan. Die doeltreffende benutting van kalsium en fosfaat, die twee elemente wat die produksie van plantsuikers beheer, word ook bevorder. Hoër konsentrasies plantsuikers verseker ook dat die plantsappe teen laer temperature vries, wat dus rypskade beperk.
 Biologiese stimulasie. Rou humate en hul humien- en fulviensuur-ekstrakte is kragtige mikrobiese stimulante. Humiensuur voed en stimuleer die swamme in die grond, en fulviensuur stimuleer die bakterieë. 'n Gesonde balans in dié grond-organismes verlaag siektedruk op plante en bevorder gewasproduksie.
 Die opbou van die grond se koolstof-inhoud. Navorsing het getoon dat landbougrond se koolstof-inhoud die belangrikste bepaler van winsgewendheid in 'n boerdery is. Humate bevat self koolstof, maar dra in groter mate by tot die opbou van koolstof in die grond deurdat dit mikrobiese aktiwiteit - en dus die tempo van humusvorming in die grond - stimuleer.
 Bestuur van versouting. Humate kan ook 'n buffer vorm vir oorskot-soute in water en grond en die skadelike uitwerking daarvan op plante verminder. Dit verbeter ook die grondstruktuur, wat die uitloog van oorskot-soute bevorder. Voorts stimuleer humate die swam-groep Mycorrhizae, wat plantwortels koloniseer en die plante se sout-verdraagsaamheid verhoog.
 Fulviensure dien as 'n kragtige organiese elektroliet wat groei, opbrengs, en siek-teweerstand by plante kan bevorder.
 Veral fulviensure kan danksy hul besonder hoë katioon-uitruilvermoë grond en water ontgif. Dit verbind met organiese én anorganiese gifstowwe.
29 Julie 2005

Doen humate en fulvate die volgende in die grond:

 Dit vermeerder die katioon-uitruilvermoë van die grond, en dus die beskikbaarheid van voedingstowwe vir plante;

 Waterhouvermoë word verbeter;

 Dit dien as energiebron vir mikrobes;

 Die grond se struktuur, deurlugting en dreinering word verbeter;

 Afloop word verminder; en

 Dit dien as cheleermiddel. (Dit beteken dit vorm 'n organiese kompleks wat die voedingselemente teen vaslegging beskerm sodat dit vir die plant beskikbaar bly.)

Plantproduksie word deur humate en fulvate bevorder deurdat dit wortelmassa vermeerder, die aantal haarwortels en lengte daarvan laat toeneem, en die opname van water en voedingstowwe verbeter.


Wat beteken dit?

Dit is die verbouing van ‘n landbou gewas met die doel voor oë om die totale behoefte van die plant en die ongewing waarin dit groei aan te spreek. Dit kan slegs geskied deur alle komponente in ag te neem wat verband hou tot die suksesvolle produksie van die gewas wat verbou word.

Strukturele elemente waaruit ‘n plant bestaan:

Koolstof, waterstof en suurstof. Grootste deel van plant se biomassa.

Wat het ‘n plant nodig om te groei?

Water : Lug en besproeiing – 95%
Grond : Gorndvrugbaaryheid (makro – en mikro-elemente),
Koolstof : Lug en grond

Wat is organiese materiaal?
Plant- en dierreste asook mikrobes
Vorm humus – stabiele organiese reste

Kenmerke van humus:
donkerbruin van kleur
elektries-negatief gelaai
hoë waterhou vermoë
C:N verhouding van 10:1

Wat is die doel van humus?

Bio-katalisator en stimulant.

In die grond:

Stimuleer en vermeerder mikrobe aktiwiteit.
Verbeter die beskikbaarheid van minelrale elemente
Verhoog die beskikbaarheid van sitkstof tot 25%
Verbeter grondstruktuur
Verbeter die vermoë van die grond om vog te bestuur.

In die plant:

Verhoog die wortelmassa van die plant
Verhoog die hersirkulering van organiese residue
Verhoog die plant se fisiologiese aktiwiteite
Stimuleer die produksie van fitohormone
Verhoog die respirasie van die plant
Verhoog tempo van fotosintese

Wat in Humus bewerkstellig die positiewe reaksies?

Komplekse organeise suurkettings, nl: humiensuur en fulfiensuur.
Die nie-humien gedeelte wat uit aminosure, lipiede, lignien, sellulose en vesel bestaan.

Wat beteken dit vir die boer?

Grond korsvoriming en verdigting vind nie plaas onder besproeiings toestande nie. Loging van water en voedingselemente vind stadige plaas. Bemestingsrekening word kleiner. Die plant kan voedingstowwe makliker opneem. Gebruk dus minder anorganiese kunsmis. Plant funksioneer beter. Beter opbrengte en vrugkwaliteit. Gesonde plant en omgewing het minder entomologiese en patalogiese druk.
Punte van belang by die gebruik van organiese misstowwe.

Minerale elemente nie onmiddelik beskikbaar nie.
Vrystelling van minerale elemnete onderhewig aan omgewingstoestande en mineralisering deur mikrobes.
Negatiewe stikstof periode indien organiese materiaal nie gekomposteer is nie.
Skielike stikstof vrystelling kan jong plante en stikstof gevoelige plante se wortels brand.
Opbou van sekere elemente soos fosfaat.

Bronne van organiese materiaal

Plantreste: veen, kompos, oesreste en groenbemesting
Dierreste: kraal en hoendermis
Organiese suur konsentrate: humiensuur, fulviensuur en aminosuur.

Kenmerke van organiese sure: Humate : Fulvate en Aminosuur

Humiensuur - gronddverbeteraar, wortelstimulant, mikro- en makro organisme

Fulviensuur - verbeter opname van voedingselemente, plantstimulant en

Aminosuur - grondverbeteraar
wortel- en plantstimulant
mikro- en makro organisme stimulant

Gebruik van organiese sure:

Humiensuur - Groot molekulêre strukture
Sandgrond klei% <20
Nie oplosbaar by pH laer as 8 nie
Nie mengbaar met ander bemesting- en chemiese stowwe nie

Fulviensuur - Klein molekulêre strukture
Enige grondtipe gebruik
Oplosbaar by enige pH
Dien as versuringsagent as gevolg van lae pH
Mengbaar met enige bemesting- en chemiese stowwe

Aminosuur - Klein molekulêre struktuur
Kleigronde met klei% >20
Oplosbaar by enige pH
Mengbaar met meeste bemestingstowwe

Humiensure is hoë molekulêre massa aromatiese strukture wat hoofsaaklik uit koolstof, suurstof en waterstof bestaan met karoksielsuur en fenoliese funksionele groepe. Humien vorm met die afbreek van plant organiese materiaal. Humien is nie chemies ‘n individuele struktuur nie, maar is ‘n versameling chemiese strukture wat in terme van oplosbaarheid in alkali en sure gedefinieer word. Humiensure is onoplosbaar in water en los slegs op in water indien die humaat-sout met ‘n sterk basis soos kaliumhidroksied in oplossing gemaak word. Humiensure is dus oplosbaar in water as humate by hoë pH waardes. Die opgeloste humaat vorm is verantwoordelik vir die funksie van humiensure.

Fulviensure is lae molekulêre massa strukture wat hoofsaaklik uit koolstof, suurstof en waterstof bestaan met karboksielsuur funksionele groepe. Fulviensure is oplosbaar in water by alle pH waardes. Die fulviensuur self is verantwoordelik vir die funksie van fulviensure. Fulviensuur is die generiese groepnaam vir ‘n reeks sure wat insluit aminosure, hidroksiesure en vetsure.

Waarom humiensure en fulviensuur toedien?
Navorsing het getoon dat organiese materiaal die sleutel is tot vrugbare grond en die biologiese, chemiese en fisiese kenmerke van grond beïnvloed. Verder is bewys dat met langdurige boerdery praktyke soos grondbewerking en toediening van humien- en fulviensuur word die balans weer herstel en hou dit grondverbeterings-voordele in wat indirek die plant bevoordeel en het die organiese produkte ‘n positiewe fisiologiese effek op die plante.

Funksie van Humien- en Fulviensuur in die plant en grond

Plant Groeistimulant
Stimuleer wortelontwikkeling, en bo-groei
Hoër Chlorofil konsentrasie en fotosintese tempo
Beter stress- toleransie
Fulviensuur funksioneer as draers van chemiese stowwe en veroorsaak verbeterde opname van voedingstowwe soos makro en mikro elemente deur die wortels en blare.

Grond Verbeteraar
Verbeter grond struktuur, opheffing van kompaksie en korsvorming
Beter katioon-uitruil-kapasiteit
Voorkom vinnige loging van voedingstowwe
Bevorder mikro-organisme populasiegroei, aggregasie van klei gronde wat belugtiging verbeter.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Uses and application of CAPE AQUATIC HUMATES:


What does one do with Humates?

Humic acid
Humic acid is one of the major components of humic substances. Chemically, it is a super-molecular aromatic acid composed by various functional groups, taking on effects of sorption, complexation, chelation, flocculation, which dissolves loads of hydrophobic matters. They can also be found in peat, coal, many upland streams and ocean water.

Major applications:
Humic acid is mainly employed in industry in forms of additive, its effects are: to improve product quality, to retrench raw material and to reduce energy expenditure; for instance, it may be applied as boiler water soften agent and as petroleum drilling fluid decreasing and filtering agent. By chelating the ions, humic acids facilitate the uptake of these ions by several mechanisms, one of which is preventing their precipitation, another seems to be a direct and positive influence on their bioavailability. They also dissolve loads of hydrophobic matters and along with the above characteristic they take care of harmful matters, preventing waters from contamination.
Since their pH values are below 7, namely acidic, humic acids alleviate the world-challenging issue of soil salinisation.

Appearance darkly brown or black, ( currenly not in stock -amorphic powder, granule or column) or slurry liquid
Humic acid 50%Min (Moisture 65%)
Mesh 50-80m /1-5m
Solubility slightly soluble in water
pH Value 5-6
Stability stable in air, nonpoisonous
Packing 25Kg plastic woven bag or upon request

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Omnia our current competitors?Or not really ? with inferior products to ours we lead and are a cut above OMNIA!

Omnia do have excellent information to educate our clients about what Humates are,our products are however superior and extracted in the Western Cape of South Africa :

We are happy to have you compare our product to theirs and make your own mind up

About Humates


Humic acids promote beneficial soil microbial growth by providing active carbon for their energy and biomass requirements. Recent studies have shown that applications of water containing 150 ppm of K-humate® stimulated significant growth of both the active fungal and bacterial population in a solution of compost tea.

Stimulates growth of beneficial soil fungi and bacteria.

Provides readily available source of carbon for soil micro-organisms


Good chelating properties which reduce loss of nutrients due to leaching and run-off

Free-up many soil-bound nutrients, particularly phosphates, calcium and micro-nutrients

Lock-up aluminium in acidic soils which are harmful to plant growth

Good buffering capacity which help stabilise the soil against strong pH changes from fertilizer applications
Promotes soil agglomeration and better soil structure
Opens up heavy clays and hard, compact soils
Helps soil wetting which reduces surface soil crusting and improves water penetration and retention in the soil

K-humate® rejuvenates heavy clays which are compact and impenetrable to water and nutrients.
When soils dry out, water is removed from between the clay particles, causing them to move very close together, shrink in volume and form cracks in the ground. This cracking in the ground is a common feature in clayey soils which are poor or devoid of organic matter. Humic acids in nature interact with the clay particles and prevent them from sticking closely together when they dry out in the summer. The more open clay structure will be able to retain more water for plant use.
Soil moisture

A compact, acidic brown-grey clay loam topsoil (A1 horizon 0 - 25cm, pH 4.6) with very low organic matter located at a vineyard was much more easier to wet after treatments with water containing less than 0.25% K-humate® (1 part K-humate® to 100 parts water). The soil treated with K-humate® was also found to retain up to 50% more water than the untreated soils.
Humic acids, like most forms of plant organic matter, improves the water holding ability of most soils. In sandy soils, humic acids form a hydrophilic (water-attracting) coating on the sand particles which increases their wetting ability and moisture retention properties. In clays, humic acids open up the clay structures to enable greater water penetration and retention.
Better soil wetting ability and greater soil penetration reduce water losses from run-off and drainage and improved water usage and reduction in labour requirement and costs.
Nutrient retention and availability to plants
Soil organic matter (humus) has a great ability to hold nutrients in the soil until they are required by plants. It is the humic acid molecules in the humus which hold most of the nutrients from applied fertilizers.
K-humate®, with its high concentration of humic acids, greatly improves the ability of sandy soils to hold many essential nutrients such as ammonium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and the trace elements.
Humic acids, which are trapped in cracks and pores and adhered to the surfaces of sand particles, hold onto many important nutrients which would have been otherwise lost to leaching.
Sustaining balanced nutrition
Like the saying goes, “You are what you eat”. Similarly, the well being of plants depends not only on what you feed your plants, but also on the availability of the nutrients in your applied fertilizers and how successfully the plants are able to take these nutrients through their root system and foliar.
K-humate® soil conditioner increases the movement of calcium down the subsoil and plant root zone where it is most needed. Greater calcium concentration in the soil treated with K-humate® was evident down to a depth of 16cm. This means quicker response from applied calcium in terms of nutrient availability and plant uptake.
Calcium is important in promoting plant cell development which will result in healthier plants, greater resistance to diseases and better crop quality.
Sustaining balanced nutrition
Sustaining balanced nutrition
Scientific studies have shown that a large proportion of your fertilizers are locked-up in the soil soon after application, particularly phosphates, calcium and micro-nutrients.
K-humate® can unlock some of the bound phosphate and micro- nutrients in the soil by chemical reactions which solubilise the fixed phosphates. Additional phosphates are also released by microbial activity brought about by the presence of K-humates.
Sap analysis of watermelon plants growing on land where K-humate® has been applied, at a rate of 20 litres per hectare over a season, clearly showed much higher nutrient concentrations in the K-humate® treated plants than those grown without K-humate®. The improvements in nutrient uptake were also found with many other crops including tomatoes, potatoes and citrus. Higher nutrient concentration in plants and crops is very important not only to plants but also to human health.

Better root growth
K-humate® also stimulates greater root growth in seedlings and mature plants resulting in higher nutrient uptake in plants and a greater ability to tolerate extended dry spells between irrigations or rainfall. A more extensive root system growth promotes greater plant vigor and better crop yield and quality.

Here is what SOUTHERN AFRICAN scientific experts have to say :

Abstract # 595: A Poster on Soil fertility / Grondvrugbaarheid

Baloyi, TC1, Kutu, FR1 and Du Preez, CC2

1ARC Grain Crops Institute, Private Bag X1251, Potchefstroom, 2520; 2Dept. Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences, University of the Free State, P O Box 339, Bloemfontein, 9300

Attempts at promoting increased food production through improved soil fertility management in South Africa have been boosted with the development and marketing of industrially manufactured biological amendments (IMBAs). Manufacturers claimed the products have the potential of improving soil fertility and hence increase crop productivity when used either as boosters or total replacement to mineral fertilizers based on the manufacturers’ recommendation. Hence, this study was initiated during 2006/07-production season to quantify and compare the effect of selected products on maize yield and changes in soil microbial biomass carbon under different field conditions. Nine selected products and NPK fertilizer were used as recommended for maize at four trial sites (Potchefstroom, Bothaville, Ottosdal and Bethlehem). An unamended control plot was included in the treatments. The trial was laid out as a randomised complete block (RCB) design with four replicates. Soil sampling for microbial biomass C study was taken 1-month after treatment application at 4-weekly interval until harvest when grain yield was determined.
Results of the study gave an average grain yield 2.6, 2.4, 2.3 and 3.1 t ha-1 across treatments at Potchefstroom, Bethlehem, Bothaville and Ottosdal, respectively. Plots treated with the growth booster Molcast gave a higher yield increase than NPK plots at Potchefstroom and Ottosdal while few of the substances used as total replacement resulted in a marginal increase in grain yields. At Potchefstroom, plots treated with Molcast, Promis and K-humate resulted in a 12.7, 1.4 and 0.7 % grain yield increase, respectively. Similar results were observed at Bethlehem whereas at Bothaville it was the opposite. At Ottosdal, grain yields from all IMBAs treated plots were higher than NPK except for Growman. The highest yield increase of 40.3 % was obtained at Ottosdal in Molcast treated plots. Expectedly, all IMBAs treated plots had a higher content of soil microbial biomass C than NPK plots. Total replacement of inorganic fertilizer by IMBA induced biomass C mineralisation that was apparently more consistent in light-textured soils of Bothaville and Ottosdal. The highest microbial biomass C content of 0.72, 0.145, 0.385 and 0.180 mg C g-1 soil was measured at different sampling dates in K-humate, Montys, Crop care and Lanbac treated plots at Potchefstroom, Bethlehem, Bothaville, respectively. The correlation coefficients between soil microbial biomass C and maize grain yield obtained at all trial sites following application of IMBAs were generally low and not significant. Molcast and Montys seem quite promising products in terms of increasing crop yield and soil microbial biomass C content as well as consistency of efficiency across all trial sites.

Keywords: Crop productivity, grain yield, growth booster, humate, soil fertility,


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cape Aquatic Humates


Cape Aquatic Humate (Pty) Ltd evolved from extensive scientific research conducted by T.M.
Thebe over the past one and half decades and business activities of Thebe Thebe Associates Close
Corporation. However, the development of crucial business strategies began in June 2008 with
the arrival of J. M.. Riggs, who brought a wealth of experience in running small and medium
enterprises and excellent marketing skills.

Trademarks Information.

The following are the trademarks of Thebe Thebe Associates(TTA):

Super Grade Humate™ (SG-Humate™);
High Grade Humate™ (HG-Humate™);
Mixed Grade Humate™ (MG-Humate™);
Ammonium Humate™ (NHx-Humate™)
TTA-Integrated Humate Processing™ (TTA-IHP™)

The economic benefits to the Western Cape as result of business activities of CAH are as follows:

• Job creation — About 50 mix of part-time and full-time jobs will be created directly. Some
hundreds indirect jobs will be created through agriculture, water supply, environmental
protection, distribution, tourism, marketing and other sectors.
• Agriculture — This is the most sector in the economy of Western Cape for example four of
the five top export products from the Western Cape are agricultural products (Wesgro,
2008). Our products are specifically developed to improve the productivity and profitability
of this sector, which will benefit regional economy.
• Tourism — Waters from which we extract humate products are found between Simons
Town and Pletternberg Bay in Southern Cape. Almost all the main tourism attractions are
found here. In collaboration with existing eco-tourism programme we will publish
information about wide variety of the applications of humic substances. The map of this area
showing the distribution of humic waters with different characteristics is nearly complete.
• Western Cape municipalities — Our process is design to optimise drinking water production
while extracting humate products. This will greatly assist municipalities in their cost saving
efforts, particularly those which limited resources.
• Diversity — We are the only company is South Africa dealing humate products form water.
This strengthen the diverse Western Cape economy.
• Global Climate Change — This is possibly the greatest threat facing mankind in the twenty
first century. It has been reported that it will affect African continent more severely than any
other continent and negative economic impact (Baloyi, 2007; Walters, 2007). Indigenous
vegetation such as fynbos in the Western Cape particularly vulnerable (Le Roux, 2007;
SAPA, 2007). Our proactive efforts to mitigating climate change including participation in
Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol. Our humate products are also useful
in improving the soil to withstand severe weather such as droughts.

The Market

The target market is broadly based on the applications of humate products to soil management
and greenhouse gas emissions reductions and it encompasses several segments, inter alia:

• Bio-fuel crop farming;
• Bio-inorganic or Organic crop farming;
• Organic or bio-inorganic cultivation of turf grass in sports fields and similar facilities;
• Nitrogenous fertilizers manufacturers, with significant nitrous oxide emissions.
The applications of humate to soil management and emissions reductions is relatively untapped
market with huge growth potential. The return on invest is very high and sustainable in a long-
term. The company will apply a highly focussed multi-dimensional marketing strategy to reach
the target market very quickly. The market is relatively small in agronomic sector as a whole, but
it is growing very rapidly. This growth is driven primarily by global efforts in reducing green
house gases emissions from human activities to the atmosphere and mitigating their adverse
effects on climate change. Ultimately, the company aims to be the leader in the production and
supply of aquatic humate products.Within the duration of this business plan it expects to secure at
least 20% of local market and 5% international market, which give a combined market share of


The company produce aquatic humate by extracting humic substances from fresh surface waters
in the Cape region to produce proprietary commercial products of different grades. This will
mainly recovered from municipal water processing plants following a patent process

The grading is based on specific ultra-violet absorbance (SUVA) of raw water, which essential
determines the fraction or relative quantity of humic substances in dissolved natural organic
matter, measured as dissolved organic carbon and ultra-violet absorbance at the wavelength of
254 nanometres (Edwald and Tobiason, 1999; and USEPA, 1998). Thebe et al. (2000)
demonstrated that the concentration of humic substances in surface waters in the Western Cape
Province of South Africa is much higher than those reported in literature. Based on this work and
an extensive research conducted by the main author over the passed fourteen years, the grading
described below was incorporated to permit commercialization of the products:

• Super Grade Humate™ (SG-Humate™) — This is premium product containing nearly
only humic substances and its SUVA of greater than 6 litres per milligram-metre (R/mg-m);
• High Grade Humate™ (HG-Humate™) — This is product contains mostly humic
substances and has SUVA of between 4 and 6 R/mg-m;
• Mixed Grade Humate™ (MG-Humate™) — This is product contains a mixture of humic
substances and other natural organic matter and has SUVA of between 2 and 4 R/mg-m;
• Ammonium Humate™ (NHx-Humate™)
— This product shall contain more nitrogen
than natural humic substances to increase its nutritional value and wider applications.

The benefits of humate applications in soil management are numerous (Mikkelsen, 2005; Malan,
2004; Mathur, 2004; and Mayhew, 2004), inter alia:

• Reduce the need for nitrogenous and other inorganic fertilisers;
• Improves uptake of nitrogen and other important nutrients;
• Prevent soluble inorganic fertiliser from leaching out of soil matrix;
• Replenish carbon and restore its balance in soils;
• Improve soil physical properties and its water holding capacity, and the latter is important
for drought resistance and water conservation;
• Chelate soil nutrients, make minerals soluble and act as storage for nitrogen, phosphorous,
sulphur, zinc and other nutrients;
• Remove toxins from the soil.
In terms of the Kyoto Protocol and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
industrialised countries, mainly in northern hemisphere are allocated air pollution quotas to
encourage them to reduce their greenhouse gases by 5% compared to 1990 levels during the
period between 2008 and 2012 . These quotas are divided down to operational level of individual
plant. However, in less industrialised countries, including South Africa, companies are awarded
carbon credits (known as certified emissions reductions) for developing technologies that reduce
or offset emissions under Clean Development Mechanism programme (Gilmour, 2007;
Magrofuoco, 2007).

Some other writers opinions on

Thebe Thebe Associates has for example developed a process (TTA-IHP™) of extraction of
humic substances from raw water and/or their recovery from processed water residue. This
process will be patented and licenced in phases to CAH (Pty) Ltd. It has zero greenhouse gas
emissions, little energy requirement and low carbon footprint.

Aquatic humate products will be sold to soil management sectors to improve the applications of
nitrogenous fertilisers. Whereas, nitrous oxide emissions?

Nitrogenous fertilisers have been chosen because of their numerous applications and benefits,

inter alia:

In their natural state humic substances contain approximately 1 to 5% nitrogen and they are
sufficiently present in the soil, up to 35 % of the soluble nitrogen applied as fertiliser can be
retained in organic form thus converting the nitrogen to a stable, bio-available form
(Mayhew, 2004);

Nitrogen compounds are widely used in water processing and soil fertilisation. Therefore, it
is relatively easily to determine certified emissions reductions;

Nitrous oxide associated with nitrogenous fertilisers manufacturing has a global warming
potential of 310 times more than that of carbon dioxide (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, 2006);

Nitrogen compounds such as ammonia and nitrates found in water are toxic. The former is
toxic to many species of fish at very low concentration and the latter is toxic to babies
(Sawyer et al., 1994; Mason, 1993);

Ecological impact of nitrogen applied to turf grass in golf courses is increasing coming
under tremendous scrutiny in developed countries, especially the United States, as a result
humic substances have become an attractive alternative (Mayhew, 2004);

Humate products applied to soil affect the release of nitrogen through slow decomposition
by organisms and restore natural nitrogen cycle (Malan, 2004).

The pricing strategy/policy is to enter the market at least 10% lower the competitors and keep
prices the same for the first two years of operations, to allow competitive market entry. The price
of certified emissions reductions is obtained from European market (Jardine, 2005; EU, 2007).




Please note in German these products are known as Wasserhumates,Huminsäure while in Chinese known as 海角水生humates or 胡敏酸

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